Not shaved enough, Over shaved! Making unsatisfying result to more ideal V-Line with
Revision Facial Contour
※If there’s more than one surgery of interest, select the surgery for consultation!
Revision surgery more difficult than the first, putting an end with scientific analysis.
TS Revision Facial Contour
Revision facial contour requires wise judgement and high level surgical skill of the specialist as functionality of already altered bone and tissues as well as patients psychological aspects needs to be considered.
- Surgery Time2 Hour
- AnesthesiaGeneral
- HospitalizationNot required
- Stitch RemovalAfter 14 Days
(Malar Only) - Daily ActivityAfter 7 Days
Biggest reason why revision is considered
Insignificant Surgery Effect!

Insignificant Surgery Effect
Imperfect Result Asymmetric/Secondary Angle/Over Correction etc.
Function Problem Nerve Damage/Sagging Cheeks etc.
TS Revision Facial Contour
Once failed revision facial contour,
Key is to accurately analyze failure.

Surgery Detailedly Customized
TS Revision Facial Contour Characteristics
Analyze Failure Factor
Accurately analyze and identify failure factor from the 1st surgery through 3D-CT
Custom Design for Perfection
surgery custom designed to individual bone shape and condition and desired line after consult
Scientific Surgery
Proceed surgery to improve both functional and aesthetic aspects -
Systematic Care
Surgery and recovery prioritizing safety, systematic care through aftetic system
Surgery Method by Type
[ Minimal Malar Reduction Effect ]

“Correction Method”
Achieve maximized cheekbone reduction effect with osteotomy including the most protruded area (MMP) of the cheekbones
[ Minimal Jaw Surgery Effect ]

“Correction Method”
Besides bone reduction, fat removal, cortical resection and soft tissue reduction needs to be combined for slimmer front and side effect.
[ Secondary Angle / Bumpy Line ]

“Correction Method”
Besides bone reduction, fat removal, cortical resection and soft tissue reduction needs to be combined for slimmer front and side effect.
[Still Protruded / Receded After Surgery ]

“Correction Method”
Complex remained even after surgery due to inability to accurately predict amount of bone movement
See more
surgery cases
TS Revision Facial Contour is effective in:
- Minimal cheek reduction effect after first surgery
- Uneven jawline or secondary angle after surgery
- Reduced amount different on both side making asymmetric face
- Angle reduced from the side view but no frontal effect
- Protruded/receded chin even after surgery
- No before & after difference even after surgery
More effective when done together
TS Solution to more effective Facial Line
Specially made treatment program for facial contouring by TS physiatrist. It is a post-operation treatment to reduce swelling and pain. It considers facial movement which helps muscle relocation as well as relaxation of omohyoid and blood circulation. In addition, this special program helps to prevent saggy cheeks.

Right! TS
Honest Facial Contour,
TS Plastic Surgery