Accounting for all the elements that make up. The bones, Muscles, Soft tissues, Fat and facial structures.
TS Facial Contouring Surgery
We have developed many years of technology and know-how for facial contouring, which is a unique factor in TS that takes into account all face elements.
Calculating thoroughly for
a perfect V-Line
At TS, surgery is systematically and delicately planned
by using 3D-CT to carefully diagnosethe area
as it distributes various nerves and blood vessels.
Planning the most optimized beauty and vitalizing the natural features
Firm double fixation with
vitalizing natural curve
and maximized MMP reductionDual-Fix Malar Reduction
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Realizing the best facial line.
TS presents differentiated surgery result.
Not only slim and refined frontal view,
smooth and soft line is also achieved
for promising satisfactory result.
Aim for an accurate beauty.
Though surgery result is important, safety during and after surgery also needs to attention. Utmost efforts are made at TS to retain lasting satisfaction after surgery through thorough preparation for any chances of emergency during facial bone surgery.
Prevent Nerve
DamageOnly cutting necessary amount
Prevent Vein
DamageProtect using in-house special equipment
Double-FixationNonunion prevented, long lasting reduction effect
IncisionScalp incision for minimized scar concern
Minimized bleeding
and infectionReduced swelling through drainage bag
It’s not just a word of mouth.
TS Plastic Surgery has been verified for its outstanding surgical skill.

TS Safety System
TS promise to achieve your wishes.
Air-Shower System
Maintaining sterilized surgical environment with air-shower system
Surgery Guarantee
Surgery guarantee is issued to constructively solve any problems that may occur within a year after surgery
CCTV Observation
System where guardian can monitor surgery room real-time
Systematic After Care
Recovery focused after care for rapid return to daily routine

Ideal line that suits me
TS Plastic Surgery
From consultation to surgery, after care to guarantee; TS Plastic Surgery, selected with trust presents facial line that’s most suitable